
Spring planting is a time full of anticipation, excitement, hard work, productivity, stress, and teamwork.
Many hours go into preparing for and executing the planting season.

One of the main goals of the planting season is to plant the seeds in ideal soil conditions, giving the crops the best chance to be
healthy and successful. Knowing when, where, and how to plant takes years of experience and a great
team. We are thankful for all members of our team!

As we come off a busy time of the year, we must take time to reflect and appreciate the opportunities
we had to be productive, work together, work safely, and complete step one of our overall goal and
purpose to help feed the world for generations. This can be challenging as it takes long hours, and it is
likely things didn’t always go as planned.

To achieve big goals, one must make big commitments. As we work through our daily commitments, we should do our best to appreciate all the days we have,
whether the day is extremely busy and difficult or a little less busy and not so difficult. Appreciating the process and the work as it comes will help one live in the moment and not look so far down the road – as we never know when the road will end. Remember to be present and seize the day!

White Leaf

At Spring Valley Farms, we are


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